

DINAMO (Discover, Inform, Accompany Mobility in Guidance) is a training platform for lifelong guidance professionals.

DINAMO addresses the main notions linked to an international mobility project: what are the challenges and benefits of mobility? What tools exist at European level to improve the transparency of competences and qualifications? What are the different forms of mobility and finally how to accompany people wishing to live an experience abroad?

This training platform only deals with so-called "chosen" mobility projects. It aims to provide guidance professionals with the tools they need to receive consultants who come voluntarily and freely to address the issue of mobility.


DINAMO consists of four independent modules. Each module has different sequences consisting of lectures on a particular theme, followed by illustrations or practical cases.

An evaluation at the end of each module will allow you to take stock of your knowledge.

For the whole course, discussions are open in the "forum" section.

Target Audience

DINAMO is aimed at professionals in initial and further training concerned with guidance and lifelong learning.

Pedagogical team

Erasmus+ Agency France / Education Training Laurent Lascrou 

Carif PACA Espace Compétences  : Elisabeth Kunze

Centre Inffo : Vincent Joseph - Alice Vielajus

CIO / ONISEP : Graziana Boscato - Yvan Couallier - Manon Dangel - Isabelle Dekeister -  Dorothée Gabanou

(Yvan , Manon , Laurent , Vincent , Elisabeth , Graziana , Isabelle)

With the participation of Magalie Duarte (Carif PACA) and Julia Robisco (Agence Erasmus + France / Education Formation) for the graphic designs.

DINAMO-Euroguidance badges
At the end of each module an evaluation allows you to obtain a DINAMO-Euroguidance badge. The DINAMO-Euroguidance “super-badge” certifying the success of the entire course is obtained by validating all four badges.
Formative evaluations will also allow you to verify your knowledge throughout your training.

Terms and conditions
DINAMO is carried out with the financial support of the European Commission within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme.
The European Commission is not responsible for the content of this platform or for any use that may be made of it.
