4. How to use Europass with your clients


Find employees with Europass

Recruiting in the modern job market comes with many challenges. In addition to the common struggle to find the right candidates for their vacancies or to attract talent with hard-to-find skills who are often receiving several job offers at the same time, employers often need to conduct their hiring process as fast and as efficiently as possible, because vacant positions cost money and delay the implementation of day-to-day activities.

Europass can be a useful tool in helping employers create a more efficient recruitment process. Hiring teams need to communicate fast and evaluate candidates easily and efficiently. We know that recruiters often spend less than 10 seconds to scan each CV and unless the CV catches their attention by clearly demonstrating the candidate’s strengths and the benefits they can bring to the company, it will most likely end up being disregarded.

In addition to challenges mentioned above, the shortage of skilled workers and demographic change pose another set of challenges for recruiters and HR managers in companies and organisations. More and more often, suitable employees cannot be found on the domestic market. But how can potential applicants from abroad be approached? How can the skills and qualifications of applicants be traced in international applications; how can applications be compared in a time-saving manner and how can suitable employees be identified? Is it possible to align recruitment processes more closely with the needs of job seekers and make them easier?

So, why should employers insist that their applicants apply for their vacancies using a Europass CV or profile?

  • Employers can receive structured CVs: With the Europass profile or a CV created from it, employers receive structured information about applicants. This allows them to reliably assess their skills and qualifications and quickly see what skilled workers have to offer.
  • Employers can compare CVs easily: Clearly designed CVs offer good readability and a high degree of transparency, especially when recruiting internationally. This is because the requirements and expectations for a formally correct CV are not the same in all EU countries. For applicant selection, this means that the sifting of applications and the pre-selection of qualified candidates from home and abroad is made much easier.
  • Employers can receive a link to a profile to gain a first impression: Applicants can send employers a link to their profile via the portal so that they can get a first impression without bureaucracy and identify suitable candidates more easily.
  • Recruiting skilled workers from home and abroad: By linking Europass to the European job portal EURES, employers can target Europass users with a job offer.