2.2. Europass CV

Create a Europass CV as a registered user

The Europass portal offers its users many different ways of creating a CV. Users prepare their Europass CVs using the Europass CV Editor tool. The editing process is the same both for guest users and registered users. When preparing their CVs through the CV Editor, users insert information into different sections of the CV (e.g. personal data, work experience, education, etc.) one by one, and save each section before moving onto the next one. Once completely satisfied with all the information entered in the CV, users select their preferred template in which the CV will be displayed, name it and save it. This can be done on their device, in the Europass Library or it can be published on the EURES portal. The Europass CV can be made in several European languages.

Go to your Profile: Registered Europass users can at any time create a number of different tailored CVs based on the selected or all data entered in their Europass profiles. Based on the job opportunity they are applying for, users can determine which information from their Europass profile they want to include in the CV. When they are completely satisfied with all the information they have entered, users can download their CVs in PDF format to their devices, and send or share them with third parties. 

Select from My Library: Users can also create their CVs based on an already existing CV stored in the Europass Library. 

Import Europass CV: If users already have a Europass CV in PDF format, they can import it from their devices or from different applications. 

Create a new CV: Users can also create completely new CVs using the Europass CV Editor. 

Users start by going into My Profile, using their username and password via "Login to Europass" button. The username is the users’ email address, and the password can always be reset in case a user forgets it.


Users will be automatically redirected to the Europass portal: "Me" appears at the top right. By double-clicking on it, users get into their personal area called "My Europass". 

My Europass is a display with users’ personal data (1), shortcuts for creating a Europass CV and a Europass cover letter (2), job and education offers (3) and self-evaluation options (4). Users can now prepare their Europass CV in the "Me" or "My Library" tabs:

1. In the “Me” tab

2. In the "My library" tab

To prepare their Europass CVs as registered users, in addition to basic functionalities, there are other options available only to registered users: "Start from profile" and "Choose from library".

  • Start from profile: You can prepare a CV in PDF based on the data stored in your profile. You can export all or just part of this data. If you have profiles in several languages, select the desired language version first.
  • Choose from the library: You can further edit a CV saved in your virtual library. You choose your CV from a set of already saved versions and edit further. Any of your stored files can be easily edited at anytime.

How to create a Europass CV?

Watch a video about how to create a Europass CV
(In Croatian with English subtitles):